Anti-Romani Immigrant Segment Airs on a Fox News Report…


Yesterday, Monday July 17th 2017, Tucker Carlson reported on Romani-American immigrants titled “G*psies Coming to America.” Yep… 

The Actual Story

About 40 Romanian asylum seekers relocated to a small town in Pennsylvania, they are undergoing the legal process of seeking asylum after escaping persecution. A town meeting was held after the the number of residents increased where they complained that they’ve seen the asylum seekers kill chickens, commit traffic violations, and seen signs of children going to the bathroom in public. However, local police said they haven’t seen or confirmed any of these claims. At the town meeting some residents complained about the new citizens, while others explained that they are adjusting to American customs. About 100 more Romani asylum seekers are expected to relocate to the small town soon. 

What Fox News Reported:

Carlson opened up the segment by saying “the Roma have little regard either for the law or public decency.“ Carlson had Roma-American, George Eli on the show who the founder of the Romani Media Initiative which seeks to portray positive representation of Roma people. He started the interview by letting Eli know that he’s not "anti-Roma but is pro-American citizen,” and then went on to complain that the Romani in the Pennsylvania town are “not interested at all in integrating,” and thinks American citizens have a right to be upset by their presence. 

Eli tries then to explain the cultural shock on both sides, but Carlson is more interested in public defecation, which he claims is a “hostile act” that happens every time Roma make settlement somewhere. Eli then tries to defend himself and Romani people but Tucker tells him that it’s clearly a political statement and that “there’s pictures online of them doing it!” Carlson and Eli go back in forth for a couple minutes in truly an interview that should just be watched to be believed:

Watch the segment here.

Fox News Is Dropping Its ‘Fair & Balanced’ Slogan


As Fox News moves further into the post–Roger Ailes era, the network is shedding one of its most iconic elements. According to network executives, Fox News has abandoned the marketing slogan “Fair & Balanced.” The decision was made last August after Ailes’s ouster by Fox News co-president Jack Abernethy, because the phrase had “been mocked,” one insider said. Another executive explained that the tagline was “too closely associated with Roger.” Fox executives have been instructed by management to market the network by its other tagline: “Most Watched. Most Trusted.”

Except it’s not the most watched in the key demo, and it’s not the most trusted. This new slogan is no more honest than the old one.

Fox News Is Dropping Its ‘Fair & Balanced’ Slogan

The Long, Lucrative Right-wing Grift Is Blowing Up in the World’s Face



Has anyone posted this yet? It’s phenomenal.

“[…] the complete and inarguable disaster of the Bush administration—a failure of the conservative movement itself, one undeniable even to many consumers of the parallel conservative media—and his abrupt replacement by a black man, caused a national nervous breakdown among the people who’d been told, for many years, that conservatism could not fail, and that all Real Americans agreed with them.

Rather rapidly, two things happened: First, Republicans realized they’d radicalized their base to a point where nothing they did in power could satisfy their most fervent constituents. Then—in a much more consequential development—a large portion of the Republican Congressional caucus became people who themselves consume garbage conservative media, and nothing else.”

Reblogging to read later, you had me at “they’d radicalized their base to a point where nothing they did in power could satisfy their most fervent constituents.”

I have semi-regular contact with a white, reasonably comfortable, male retiree family member.

Actually it’s become increasingly irregular for the past year or two. He relates to me much as he relates to the rest of the world: poorly, and with no comprehension of difference.

The Long, Lucrative Right-wing Grift Is Blowing Up in the World’s Face


Bill O’Reilly and Fox have paid nearly $13 million to quiet women’s harassment complaints

  • Fox News has settled over $13 million in sexual and verbal harassment lawsuits against its star anchor, Bill O’Reilly, the New York Times reported Saturday.
  • The harassments vary in nature and allegedly include verbal abuse, lewd comments, unwanted sexual advances and phone calls from O’Reilly during which it sounded like he was masturbating, according to the New York Times.
  • The report claimed O’Reilly’s advances followed a recognizable pattern. O’Reilly would befriend women in the newsroom, promising professional advice and guidance, only to then switch gears and attempt to forge sexual connections with the women. 
  • He often made the women fear their careers would be in jeopardy if they didn’t reciprocate his advances. Read more. (4/1/17, 11:30 AM)

Fox & Friends Ignores FBI Director’s Trump Bombshell, And Jake Tapper CALLS THEM OUT


Fox & Friends continues to embarrass themselves in defense of Donald Trump, and CNN host Jake Tapper took them to task for it.

On Monday, FBI Director James Comey testified under oath on Capitol Hill that Trump’s accusation that President Obama wiretapped him is totally false and that Trump is under investigation for colluding with Russia during the 2016 Election.

Trump’s credibility was completely destroyed and his Russia scandal only deepened.

But Fox & Friends downplayed Comey’s damning testimony by claiming that Americans “didn’t miss much” and posted a video on Twitter featuring 25 seconds of footage of Comey telling lawmakers that he can’t answer their question. The footage included absolutely no context and completely left out Comey’s confirmation that Trump slandered President Obama and his confirmation that Trump is being investigated by the FBI.

Fox & Friends Ignores FBI Director’s Trump Bombshell, And Jake Tapper CALLS THEM OUT

Trump Abruptly Orders 46 Obama-Era Prosecutors to Resign


The Trump administration on Friday moved to sweep away the remaining vestiges of Obama administration prosecutors at the Justice Department, ordering 46 holdover United States attorneys to tender their resignations immediately — including Preet Bharara, the United States attorney in Manhattan.

The firings were a surprise — especially for Mr. Bharara, who has a reputation for prosecuting public corruption cases. In November, Mr. Bharara met with then President-elect Donald J. Trump at Trump Tower and told reporters afterward that Mr. Trump had asked him about staying on, which the prosecutor said he expected to do.

But on Friday, Mr. Bharara was among federal prosecutors who received a call from Dana Boente, the acting deputy attorney general, instructing him to resign, according to a person familiar with the matter. A spokesman for Mr. Bharara declined to comment.

Sarah Isgur Flores, a Justice Department spokeswoman, said in an email that all remaining holdover United States attorneys had been asked to resign, leaving their deputy United States attorneys, who are career officials, in place in an acting capacity….

A person familiar with the calls that have been made said there was no advance warning of the move. It came less than 24 hours after Sean Hannity, the Fox News commentator who often speaks with Mr. Trump, called for a “purge” of Obama appointees at the Justice Department on his show.

“The firings were a surprise 

“It came less than 24 hours after Sean Hannity, the Fox News commentator
who often speaks with Mr. Trump, called for a ‘purge’ of Obama
appointees at the Justice Department on his show.”

Trump Abruptly Orders 46 Obama-Era Prosecutors to Resign




So if you wanna know where the US is as a country, Fox News (donnie’s news network of choice) recently made up a Swedish official and had him speak on TV.

Just, y’know, fabricated a member of the Swedish government in order to push their narrative. 

Cuz that’s where we’re at now. 

a source a source a source

this is fucking terrifying

if you want a source that feels more mainstream and reliable.