Still checking in periodically. Gotta say though, the combination of

  • not being able to ever upload more image files unless I delete some to make room, and
  • having investigated and having asked on the discussion group how to make purposeful selections of which existing posts and/or image files to delete, and getting no helpful answers

is pretty much a dealbreaker in terms of switching to WordPress if Tumblr ever finally actually dies.

I tried to update my header image during my quarterly check, but couldn’t upload the more recent image I’m using everywhere else because I’ve reached my data storage limit here, which in retrospect must be why I couldn’t import my whole Tumblr blog. Gotta wonder whether the limit applies to entries and whether this will post.

Check in.

Just checking in to make sure the mirror site’s still here. I don’t appear to have noted when I started this mirror that the import from Tumblr wasn’t complete because it ran up against some sort of limit. I mean to sign in once a quarter or so to make sure the account stays active, and if Tumblr ever does go toes up this may become my main blog then.

I have attempted creation of a WordPress mirror of my tumblog, using directions from a post from the second-last time Tumblr was facing imminent doom. I was unable to complete import because the WP Admin link isn’t there so the whole thing falls down. There’s something in Settings for importing but it’s only for other WordPress blogs or individual posts. Either whole-blog importing from other sites isn’t an option for free accounts or things have changed in a year or both. If I don’t get it sorted I may use the WordPress blog for something else or not. If you’re curious before then, the username is still heroofthreefaces, so: 

i def think we are going to see a bit of the hartnell/troughton regen tho prob w/ a well placed cut away cuz moffat’s a) a completist & b) can’t resist making the pun in the title even more apt


It’d be quite wonderful to see that. But yeah, probably through cut-away if so, I can’t imagine them recasting Troughton for this.

What I’m hoping for from Twice Upon a Time’s revisit to the first regeneration is vindication of my hologram projector argument.







THIS is what you’re defending: 

A punch is too fucking soft. 

And besides…

After one solid clock to the jaw, now memed into perpetuity, Dick Spencer is afraid to show his Nazi face in public. Direct action gets the goods.

People still asking “so this means I should punch anyone I disagree with, then?”

No, it means you should punch nazis because they disagree with other people living.

Also worth noting, here’s an excerpt from the 1939 book Fascism and Big Business by Daniel Guérin:

If in the beginning, when the Hitler bands were still weak, the workers’ parties had answered them blow for blow, there is no doubt their development would have been hampered. On this point we have the testimony of the National Socialist leaders themselves.

Hitler confessed in retrospect: Only one thing could have broken our movement – if the adversary had understood its principle and from the first day had smashed, with the most extreme brutality, the nucleus of our new movement.”

And Goebbels: “If the enemy had known how weak we were, it would probably have reduced us to jelly…. It would have crushed in blood the very beginning of our work.”

Punch them. Make them afraid to spread their poison. Oppose them in every avenue available to you because we know what happens when this goes unchecked.

More context about this quote is on Snopes.

The other point we keep bringing up to those who gasp and clutch their pearls in shock and horror when they see fascists being met with violence is that fascist violence is a serious, serious threat to our communities.  By our count, bigots and fascists have murdered eighteen people this year and seriously injured thirty-five in a series of shootings, stabbings, arsons, and mob attacks.  Pretending that anti-fascist violence is the real concern in the face of fascist attacks like these = willingly engaging in the logical fallacy of false equivalence.  

For people pretending that anti-fascist violence is the real problem, we’d ask: How do you expect people trying to keep themselves, their families, and their friends from being hospitalized or murdered by fascists to react?  Where is your outrage and condemnation of fascist violence?  

Let punching nazis not be a separate concept from having them around.